
مرجعی برای آخرین مطالب طراحی سایت فول استک پایتون/جنگو


مرجعی برای آخرین مطالب طراحی سایت فول استک پایتون/جنگو

همیشا وقتی یه مطلبی رو نیاز دارم، اول مسلما سرچ می کنم. اما گاهی اوقات یه مطلب مفیدی برای طراحی سایت رو می خونم، یا جزئیاتش رو فراموش می کنم، یا آدرس سایتش رو گم می کنم و بعدا حتی شده دو، سه روز دنبالش می گردم تا مجددا پیداش کنم. این وبلاگ کمک می کنه دیگه دنبال مطالب تکراری نگردم و تو کارم صرفه جویی زیادی بشه. ممکنه این مطالب دسته بندی شده، به درد شما هم بخوره.

طبقه بندی موضوعی
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In an ideal world, we would have perfectly balanced datasets and we would all train models and be happy. Unfortunately, the real world is not like that, and certain tasks favor very imbalanced data. For example, when predicting fraud in credit card transactions, you would expect that the vast majority of the transactions (+99.9%?) are actually legit. Training ML(machine_learning) algorithms naively will lead to dismal performance, so extra care is needed when working with these types of datasets.

Imbalanced-learn is a Python package which offers implementations of some of those techniques, to make your life much easier.

  • محمد خسروی زاده
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This module can be used to replace keywords in sentences or extract keywords from sentences. It is based on the FlashText algorithm.

  • محمد خسروی زاده
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Creating an Executable from a Python Script

Python is one of my favorite programming languages. That being said, if you've ever had to deploy an application written in Python then you know just how painful it can be.

Fortunately, there are some pretty awesome open-source tools that can be used to package a Python program into a standalone binary executable that contains everything needed to run the application (i.e. Python interpreter, program code, libraries, data, etc.).

  • محمد خسروی زاده
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About Cython

Cython is an optimising static compiler for both the Pythonprogramming language and the extended Cython programming language (based on Pyrex). It makes writing C extensions for Python as easy as Python itself.

Cython gives you the combined power of Python and C to let you

  • محمد خسروی زاده
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In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple application which fetches data from various RSS feeds of the user’s choice and displays the results in a web based interface. By following along, you will gain familiarity with both some simple and advanced concepts such as React, Redux, handling network requests with React, async actions, etc. We are learning by building a fully functioning and deployed application, instead of spending too much time on theory. If you really want to dig into theory and understand the underlying technologies my fully, I recommend reading through the React and Redux docs. For the full video series of this tutorial, click here:

  • محمد خسروی زاده
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The react-redux module is the "official bindings" between react and redux. It adds some useful syntactic sugar for binding your components to your redux state. The Provider component that you get from react-redux is how you tell react-redux about your redux store.

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This is the web site of the "University of Dr. Chuck". I teach a number of free/online/open courses based on free and open materials and this site is the course catalog for my free courses.

  • محمد خسروی زاده
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Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
(Not to be confused with a WordPress framework – Redux Framework.)

It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of that, it provides a great developer experience, such as live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger.

  • محمد خسروی زاده
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In this comprehensive tutorial, Dan Abramov - the creator of Redux - will teach you how to manage state in your React application with Redux.

State management is absolutely critical in providing users with a well-crafted experience with minimal bugs.

  • محمد خسروی زاده
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After hearing a lot about React & Redux recently I decided to play around with it and try to build something to see what it's like. This article covers the things I've learnt so far and will give you the knowledge and foundations to build a basic application.

  • محمد خسروی زاده