Previous versions of Celery required a separate library to work with Django, but since 3.1 this is no longer the case. Django is supported out of the box now so this document only contains a basic way to integrate Celery and Django. You’ll use the same API as non-Django users so you’re recommended to read the First Steps with Celery tutorial first and come back to this tutorial. When you have a working example you can continue to the Next Steps guide.
Behavior-Driven Development (which we will now refer to as "BDD") follows on from the ideas and principles introduced in Test-Driven Development. The key points of writing tests before code really apply to BDD as well. The idea is to not only test your code at the granular level with unit tests, but also test your application end to end, using acceptance tests. We will introduce this style of testing with the use of the Lettuce testing framework.
Using Webpack transparently with Django + hot reloading React components as a bonus
If you don’t already know webpack, you’ve some catching up to do...
What Is Agile Development?
Agile development is a term given to an entire class of iterative development methodologies. Their unifying characteristic is a focus on short development cycles, on the scale of weeks rather than months. Each development cycle, referred to as an iteration or sprint, produces a working product. TDD test
After almost 4 months of work on Google Summer of Code 2017, finally I'm completing my proposal. Every widget migration and every commit/PR/issue/discussion with my mentors about Cricket , Toga and rubicon-objc were detailed on the Issue 58.
"Eating your own dog food"
The best way to show that a product is reliable to the customers is use it. So, the way to show that Toga is an effective tool to build a GUI is to build a complete application using it.
Cricket is a graphical tool that helps you run your test suites. Its current version is implemented using #Tkinter as the main GUI framework. So, why not test Toga inside of another product from BeeWare? That's what I have acomplished during my GSoC work.
Redis with Python
In order to use #Redis with Python, we will need a Python Redis client.
In following sections, we will demonstrate the use of redis-py, a Redis Python Client.
redis-py requires a running Redis server. See Redis Install for installation.
Welcome to the PySide documentation wiki page. The PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt. It also includes complete toolchain for rapidly generating bindings for any Qt-based C++ class hierarchies. PySide Qt bindings allow both free open source and proprietary software development and ultimately aim to support Qt platforms.
The Python standard for database interfaces is the Python DB-API. Most Python database interfaces adhere to this standard.
You can choose the right database for your application. Python Database API supports a wide range of database servers such as